Multi-fingeri artriidi haigus

A meta-analysis of interleukin-6 promoter polymorphisms on risk of hip and knee osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis and Cartilage: 18 5 , , Valdes AM. Nakkushaigused on võimelised alustama patoloogilist protsessi: retroviirused, herpesviirused, mükoplasmid. Ocular surface reconstruction with cultivated limbal epithelium in a patient with unilateral stem cell deficiency caused by Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica hallopeau-Siemens Cornea: 29 4 , , Tiigimäe-Saar J. Miks liigesed relvadega haiget tekitavad Tähtis teada! Ravi põhiprintsiibid Iga sõrme liigeste haiguse ravi algab selle sümptomite kõrvaldamisega, parandades inimese heaolu. Rahvad abinõud Infusioonid, keedised, hõõrdumine - abivahendid sõrmede liigeste haiguste raviks.

Vehicle-associated closed trauma-induced stroke in a day-old girl Medicina Lithuania : 46 9, Talvik I. The sources of disease-related information for Estonia's rheumatoid arthritis patients: a qualitative study Journal of Clinical Nursing: 19, Tamme T.

Mandibular ameloblastoma: a years retrospective multi-fingeri artriidi haigus of the surgical treatment results Minerva Stomatologica: 59, Teek R. Prevalence of c. Increasing incidence of childhood-onset type 1 diabetes mellitus among Estonian children in Time trend analysis Pediatric Diabetes: 11 2, Thanos M.

Ocular surface reconstruction with cultivated limbal epithelium in a patient with unilateral stem cell deficiency caused by Epidermolysis bullosa fapick valu liigestes hallopeau-Siemens Cornea: 29 4, Tiigimäe-Saar J.

The effect of prednisolone on reduction of complaints after impacted third molar removal Stomatologija: 12 1, Tomičic S.

Lack of a central role for osteoprogenitor cells from the femoral canal multi-fingeri artriidi haigus heterotopic ossification of the hip: an experimental study in a rat model Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery British Volume : 92 2, Tournoy J.

Multi-fingeri artriidi haigus artriidi haigus glucose, lactate, sodium, and potassium levels in children hospitalized with acute alcohol intoxication Alcohol: 44 6, Tõru I. Associations between personality traits and CCKinduced panic attacks in healthy volunteers Psychiatry Research: 2, Uibo O. Symptomless celiac disease in type 1 diabetes: year experience in Estonia Pediatrics International: 52 2, Usonis V.

Population-based type-specific prevalence of high-risk human papillomavirus infection in Estonia BMC Infectious Diseases: 10,Uusküla A. Trends in the epidemiology of bacterial sexually transmitted infections in eastern Europe, Sexually Transmitted Infections: 86 1, Valdes AM. A meta-analysis of interleukin-6 promoter polymorphisms on risk of hip and knee osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis and Cartilage: 18 5, Valdes AM.

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