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Carvalho M. The aim of the present study was to determine the behavior of two of these proteins, Tamm-Horsfall and uromodulin, in calcium oxalate crystallization in vitro. We studied a group of 10 male stone formers who had formed at least one kidney stone composed of calcium oxalate. They were classified as having idiopathic nephrolithiasis and had no well-known metabolic risk factors involved in kidney stone pathogenesis.

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Ten normal men were used as controls, as was a group consisting of five normal women and another consisting of five pregnant women. Crystallization was induced by a fixed supersaturation of calcium oxalate and measured with a Coulter Counter. All findings were confirmed by light and scanning electron microscopy.

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The number of particulate material deposited from patients with Tamm-Horsfall protein was higher than that of the controls P Tamm-Horsfall protein decreased the particle diameter of the stone formers when analyzed by the mode of the volume distribution curve P Tamm-Horsfall protein and uromodulin, respectively; 8.

Uromodulin produced fewer particles than Tamm-Horsfall protein in all groups.

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Nonetheless, the total volume of the crystals produced by uromodulin was higher than that produced by Tamm-Horsfall protein. Our results indicate a different effect of Tamm-Horsfall protein and uromodulin.

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This dual behavior suggests different functions. Both transverse electric and transverse magnetic waves are considered.

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These gouty sustavi ravi modes are analogous to the so-called Tamm states associated with electronic states found at the surface of materials. The surface guided modes induced by the cap layer strongly depend gouty sustavi ravi whether the superlattice ends with a superconductor or a dielectric layer, the thickness of the surface layer, the temperature of the superconductor layer as well as on the polarization of the waves.

Tavaliselt ilmuvad tophi 5—6 aasta jooksul. Varasemate soolade kristalliseerumist täheldati CRF-s, millega kaasneb hüperurikeemia. Kas haigus edastatakse geneetiliselt Paljud laboratoorsed ja kliinilised uuringud on kinnitanud haiguse geneetilise vormi hüpoteesi. Siiski ei tähenda koormatud perekonna ajalugu endiselt puriini ainevahetuse kohustuslikku häireid järglastel, sest pärilikkuse tasandil edastatakse ainult eelsoodumus patoloogiale. Gouty tophus'i sümptomid Subkutaanse tihenemise kliinilisi tunnuseid ei saa nimetada mitmekesisteks.

Different kinds of surface modes are found and their properties examined. These structures can be used to realize the highly sensitive photonic crystal sensors.