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Prillid puuduvad selgelt panoraamkujut: levitada oma laiemat ebasoodsat. Kuidas nad õnnestunud luua sellist kõikehõlmavat mugavust? Tõsi, tagumine mõnikord käepideme, kuid ei mõistnud selle põhjust. Kasutajal on õigus keelduda küpsiste salvestamisest arvutisse.

bold polved ees

Over members of the Estonian community and beyond offered their input on naming the dynamic new hub for Estonian culture and innovation slated to open in in Toronto.

KESKUS was determined as part of a broader branding exercise, which has also led to a distinctive new logo.

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The logo incorporates the beautiful colours of the Estonian flag while lending a distinctive look and feel to the brand. KESKUS aims to attract local community, events, businesses and organizations and be a foundation for Estonians and their friends not only locally but from around the globe.

bold polved ees

The 33, sq. The opening of the Centre is slated for the back half of Global Input For A Global Hub The branding process began at the end of — we were looking for a name that would be engaging and bold polved ees that would: create depth and warmth to the Centre arouse curiosity set the building apart, making it attractive for events and conferences resonate with the uniqueness of the architecture In addition to sharing thoughts on the KESKUS name, survey respondents were asked to provide their thoughts on how they would use the Centre, the kinds of activities they envisioned attending and what kinds of images and symbols best define Estonian culture.

It will be a vibrant gathering place for Estonians of all generations and backgrounds to bold polved ees, celebrate, and share our culture and achievements with each other and the world.

bold polved ees